Stori of
By: Jejen,SPd.
There used to be a country called Bandoeng consisting of 25 to 30 houses ("Aen een negrije genaemt Bandoeng bestaende uijt 25 a 30 huysen") written by Julien de Silva in 1461 in ancient Dutch. Julien de Silva an asian decent siding with Dutch was a mardjekr (a free man, not a slave anymore). He was predicted to be the first man wandering around
A century later, however, in 1741, it was recorded that Arie Top was the first white man who became
Furthermore, after a path way connecting Jakarta, Bogor, Cianjur and Bandung was established, many newcomers come there, even more after Governor General Daendels gave an order to construct "a pstal way" stretching from Anyer (Banten West Java) to Panarukan (East Java). The construction began in 1809.
| The history of |
Citeureup village is still exist by now in the Dayeuhkolot area.The first regent is Wiraangunangun (1641-1670). In the Wiranatakusumah II Era (1794-1829), the capital of Bandung moved from Karapyak to the Cikapundung riverside (and at present it located at Alun-alun Bandung).This capitol moved by the instruction of East Indische Governor General " Deandels " at Mei 25th 1810.The reason is because he tought that this new capital has a good prospect for further development of Priangan area.
One of the most progresive regent in the
In the Kusumadilaga's era, the railroad entered
| In the year 1955, Asia - Africa Conference are arranged in |
| In the Regent RH Lily Sumantri era, the capital of Bandung Regency moved to Baleendah, near the first old capital of Bandung Regency. But for some reasons it moved again to |
1. Tumenggung Wira Angun-angun (1641-1681) - Tumenggung Nyili (1670-1681) - Tumenggung Ardikusumah (1681-1684) 2. Tumenggung Anggadiredja (1684-1704 3. Tumenggung Anggadiredja I (1704-1747) 4. Tumenggung Anggadiredja II (1747-1763) 5. Tumenggung Anggadiredja III (Wiranatakusumah I) (1763-1794) 6. R A Wiranatakusumah II (Dalem Kaum) (1794-1829) 7. R A Wiranatakusumah III (Dalem Karang Anyar) (1846-1874) 8. R A Sumuahdilaga (1874-1893) 9. R A A Martanegara (1893-1918) 10. R H A A Wiranatakusumah V (Dalem Haji) (1920-1931) 11. R T Hasan Sumadipradja (1931-1935) 12. R H A A Wiranatakusumah V (1935-1945) 13. R T
22. Kol H Obar Sobarna, SIp. MSi (2000-2005
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RA Wiranata kusumah IV | RA Kusuma - dilaga | RAA Marta negara | RA Wiranata- kusumah V | RT H Suma - dipradja |
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RTE Suriaputra | RTM Wiranata kusumah VI | R Apandi Wira- dipura | RA Memed Ardiwilaga | Kol Inf Masturi |
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Letkol CAJ R H Lily Sumantri | Kol Inf Sani L Abdurrahman | Kol Inf H D Cherman E | Kol CZI H U Hatta | H. Obar Sobarna |
| For those who want to relax, just don’t bother yourselves bringing food from home, since there are various kinds of restaurants and food stalls providing sorts of dishes and drinks along the way. Despite its beautiful panorama, |
enriched with many kinds of arts. Both traditional and modern arts can be found in sub district towns as well as in villages.
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North Bandung Tourist Area, with central activity in Mountain of Tangkubanperahu Crater, The Garden of Juande Great Forest (Dago Pakar), Maribaya – Lembang, Pangenten Waterfall – Cisarua, and Cihideung Flower’s Garden – Parongpong.
Lembang. This small sub district town is well-known of its beautiful panorama. When you are travelling from
Located 16 km North of
with central tourist agro activity (farmer and tea plantation in Rancabali, Ciwidey, Malabar, Pangalengan, and Gununghalu), Water Tourist (Patenggang and | ||||
Ciwidey tourist area belongs to the area of South Bandung, which has several sights spreading in Ciwidey sub-district. These include: | ||||
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Tourist object of Punceling ( | ||||
The existence of this tourist object is not very popular.This object o particularly visited by those who love hiking; therefore the visitors usually come in-groups and come to hike rather than to have sightseeing. | ||||
Tourist Object of Putih Crater. | ||||
This object is just recently legalized to be enjoyed by public. Formally, it is known as sulphur mine area, which can be seen from the ruin of sulphur mining cave. The facilities and infrastructure in this object are limited, that is: parking place, public toilet, prayer house, small shop, and soft drink and food seller. | ||||
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Hot Spring Water of Swimming Pool in Cimanggu | ||||
Ciwidey area is rich in hot spring water nature source, one of them is made by forestry affairs as swimming pool in Cimanggu. This object has such facilities as: wide parking place, children playing area, hot water swimming pool, and public toilet, prayer house and soft drink and food seller. | ||||
Hot Spring Water of Swimming Pool in Walini | ||||
As for Cimanggu, Walini also has made use of hot spring water source; it provides a hot swimming pool. This object is located in tea plantation area with cool weather and has facilities, as follow: lodge, restaurant, parking area, toilet public. | ||||
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This lake has an area of acreage 150 Ha is the main destination of visitors that come to Ciwidey. Ciwidey area is located between Rancabali tea plantation and Rancabali forest area. This lake is really made use of its natural beauty. The facilities supplied are lodge, water bicycle, small boat, souvenirs seller, food and soft drink, toilet public, and parking area. | ||||
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Cibuni Crater | ||||
This object, as Punceling, is not popular to the public and it is located at the end of Ciwidey area. | ||||
Considering the above object, especially the number and the variety of them, it is obvious that Ciwidey has a good prospect and can compete with the other areas, such as Lembang which has Tangkubanperahu Mountain, Maribaya and Cihideung Flower’s Garden tourist object. | ||||
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with central activity that is tourist agro (farmer and plantation) in East Cikalong Water Tourist in | ||||
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with central activity is |
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