by Jejen, S.Pd
Nasi Goreng Daging
Odilia Winneke - detikfood
Jakarta - Tambahan daging cincang, wortel, daun bawang membuat nasi goreng yang satu ini sangat gurih. Rasanya menjadi sedap menggigit dengan tambahan kimchi sebagai pelengkapnya. Sajikan selagi hangat agar terasa gurihnya.
2 sdm minyak sayur
1 sdt minyak wijen
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
100 g daging sapi cincang
100 g wortel, iris tipis panjang
1 batang daun bawang, potong 3 cm, belah-belah
400 g nasi putih
1 sdm saus tiram
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdm kecap asin
Cara membuat:
· Tumis bawang putih hingga kuning dan wangi.
· Tambahkan daging sapi, aduk-aduk hingga kering dan matang.
· Tambahkan wortel dan daun bawang, aduk hingga layu.
· Masukkan nasi dan bumbu, aduk hingga rata. Angkat.
· Sajikan hangat dengan kimchi.
Untuk 3 orang (lil/)
Mi Goreng Shanghai
Lai Ching Chinese Restaurant Four Seasons Hotel - detikfood
Jakarta - Penggemar mi? Anda harus mencicipi mi khas Shanghai yang terbuat dari tepung tang. Rasanya lembut sedikit kenyal sehingga sangat enak disantap panas mengepul. Rasanyapun makin gurih dengan tambahan rasa seafood segar yang lezat.
10 g minyak sayur
1 siung bawang putih, cincang
10 g cabai merah iris tipis
10 g paprika hijau iris tipis
20 g daun bawang, iris serong
300 g mi Shanghai
40 g kol iris halus, rebus sebentar
20 g cumi-cumi
20 g udang
20 g Scallop
20 g kecap manis
10 g kecap asin
10 g gula pasir
1/2 sdt garam
Cara membuat:
· Rebus mi dalam air mendidih, tiriskan dan bilas dengan air dingin.
· Campur seafood dengan sedikit garam, gula, merica dan larutan maizena.
· Rebus seafood sebentar dalam air mendidih. Tiriskan.
· Panaskan 2 sdm minyak, tumis bawang putih, cabai, paprika, dan daun bawang hingga harum.
· Masukkan seafood dan kol.
· Tambahkan mi dan saus.
· Aduk hingga saus meresap. Angkat. Sajikan hangat.
Untuk 4 orang
Pistou Vegetable Soup
| 1 lb. dried white beans, cooked |
| 1 Tbsp. olive oil |
| 2 onions, chopped |
| 4 cloves garlic |
| 3 carrots, chopped |
| 1 celery rib, chopped |
| 4 potatoes, diced |
| 28 oz. whole tomatoes, diced |
| 1/4 head cabbage, shredded |
| 8 leaves kale, shredded |
| 6 cups chicken broth, canned or homemade |
| 1 tsp. thyme |
| Salt and pepper to taste |
Puree half the beans in your food processor and set aside. In a large pot, heat olive oil and saute onion and garlic for about two minutes or until translucent. Add carrot, celery and potato and saute another 2 minutes. Add tomatoes and their liquid, beans, bean puree and seasoning. Let simmer 5 minutes. Add chicken broth to the mixture (sooner if it seems to be drying out). Add cabbage and kale, correct the seasoning and simmer until veggies are completely tender. Serve with a dollop of pesto (either homemade or readily prepared from a jar) on the top.
Serves 12. Per serving: 114 calories, 2g fat, 6g protein, 19g carbohydrate, 5g dietary fiber, 0mg cholesterol, and 419mg sodium.
Peanut Butter Soup
From: (Richard M. Bailly)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 15:47:24 -0700
This is an adaptation from several different recipes that I have
tried over the years. You will notice that there are a few
options to select from. The options are dependant on whether you
like a red tomato base or whiter flour base to your soup. Kind
of like choosing your clam chowder.
1/2 cup diced onions
1/2 cup diced celery
1/2 cup diced gren pepper (less if you are not a Vitamin A
or pepper lover).
2 cloves minced garlic
3T butter
3 to 4T all purpose flour (You can judge the consistency you
like) I like mine rather thick.
2 1/2 cup chicken broth (Optionally use water)
5 cups milk
1 cup half and half cream. (You can vary this mixture
depending on how rich you like your soup. Sometimes I
make it even more decadent than 1 cup of cream.
1 cup creamy peanut butter. I really prefer the old
fashioned natural best.
2T Tomato Paste. You decide whether you like this
ingredient. I do not, but then I like New England clam
3T Soy sauce
Chopped peanuts for garnish
Saute onions, celery, green pepper and garlic in the butter until
onions are translucent. Add flour and cook for 2 to 3 minutes,
until you have a light roux. Stir in water, Add milk slowly.
Bring to a boil. Add peanut butter,tomato paste (optional), and
soy sauce. Reduce heat and simmer approximately 15 minutes.
Serve hot with chopped peanuts for garnish.
Cabbage Soup ("Of Cabbages and Cod")
From: (Amy Morgenstern)
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1993 05:04:13 GMT
Here is a recipe that my mother created once when she had some leftover
shrimp and cabbage. It has since become a family favorite.
"Of Cabbages and Cod"
1/2 head cabbage
1 onion chopped
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 can of cream of whatever soup
1 can chicken broth
1 LB cod
1 LB shrimp
white wine
1 can tomatoes
Cook cabbage, onion and garlic until soft. Add chicken broth, soups, wine
and tomatoes. Simmer 1/2 hour. Add cod, cook until almost flaky. Add
shrimp and continue to cook until the shrimp is done.
From: (Micaela Pantke)
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 09:31:12 +0200
- Bean Soup Roman Style (Ruth)
- Hearty Bean And Vegetable Stew (Michelle Dick)
- Navy Bean Soup (Ima Dove)
- Pasta E Fagioli Soup (Bob Guilbeau)
From: (Ruth)
Source: The Talisman Italian Cook Book
(Serves 8)
1 tblsp leaf lard
1/8 # salt pork, chopped fine
1 medium onion, chopped fine
1 clove garlic, chopped fine
1 stalk celery, chopped fine
2 fresh tomatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 qt warm water
2 cups cooked whwite beans
1 cup elbow macaroni
2 tblsp grated Roman cheese
Melt lard in sauce pan, add chopped salt port, onion, garlic celery and
brown well. Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, warm water and beans. Cook 5
minutes. Add elbow macaroni and cook 8 minutes longer. Sprinkle with
Roman cheese and serve.
From: (Michelle Dick)
Source: Dr. Dean Ornish's Program
Most soups and stews can be prepared in a crock pot. Just decrease
the liquid ingredients (not as much liquid will evaporate from a
closed slow-cooker) and let it rip for 6 or more hours.
(Servings: 12)
1 lb beans, assorted, dry
2 cup vegetable juice
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup apple or pineapple juice
vegetable stock or water
1/2 cup celery -- diced
1/2 cup parsnips -- diced
1/2 cup carrots -- diced
1/2 cup mushrooms -- diced
1 onion -- diced
1 tsp basil, dried
1 tsp parsley, dried
1 bay leaf
3 clove garlic -- minced
1 tsp black pepper -- ground
1 cup rice or pasta -- cooked
Sort and rinse beans, then soak overnight in water.
Drain beans and place in crockpot. Add vegetable juice, wine, soy
sauce, and apple or pineapple juice. Cover with vegetable stock or
water; the amount added depends on whether you prefer a soup (more
liquid) or a stew (less). The juice adds just a tad of sweetness and
the soy sauce adds depth and the tang of salt.
Cook at high for 2 hours. Add vegetables, herbs, and spices, and cook
for 5-6 hours at low until carrots and parsnips are tender. When
tender, add rice or pasta and cook for one additional hour.
For beans use 3 or 4 kinds, such as: black, red kidney, pinto, baby
lima, lentil, and green and/or yellow split peas.
Nutritional Values per Serving:
Calories 170
Fat 0.3 g
Cholesterol 0 g
From: (Ima Dove)
1 lb Navy Beans
l large onion
2 small jalapeno peppers (if you're brave, otherwise omit)
1 large ham bone
Simmer in about 3 quarts of water all day in crockpot on high. (3 - 4
hours on top of stove).
Serve with chopped tomato and chopped onion.
From: (Bob Guilbeau)
(8 servings)
1/2 lb dried cannellini or navy beans
1/2 lb dried kidney beans
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 lb salt pork, diced fine
1 large onion, chopped fine
5 garlic cloves, peeled and mashed
4 celery stalks, including leaves, sliced thin
3 tsp salt
2 tsp crushed red pepper
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
1 16 oz. can Italian tomatoes, drained, tomatoes chopped coarsely
1/4 cup snipped fresh parsley, preferably Italian
1/2 cup julliened carrot
1/2 lb ground sirlioin
1 egg
4 tblsp seasoned bread crumbs
1/2 lb ditalini (tiny, tube shaped pasta)
Freshly grated Romano, Parmesan or Pecorino cheese
Rinse and pick over the dried beans. Soak overnight in cold water.
Drain, then place in stockpot with 10 cups cold water. Bring to a boil,
then reduce heat to simmer while preparing vegetables. Heat the olive
oil in a heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Add the salt pork and
cook, stirring frequently, until the fat melts and the meat begins to
brown, about 15 minutes. Do not allow to burn.
Add the onion and garlic and saute gently until the onion is golden.
Add this mixture to the beans, along with the celery, salt, red and
black pepper, oregano and basil. Cover and simmer until beans are
tender, about 2 1/2 hours, checking frequently to make sure the liquid
has no evaporated too much. There has to be enough liquid to cook the
meatballs and pasta in the final cooking stage. Add more water if
About 30 minutes before the soup is finished simmering, add the
tomatoes and their juices and the parsley. Combine the ground meat
with the egg and bread crumbs and roll into miniature balls. Add to
the simmering soup. Add the carrot.
About 20 minutes later, add the ditalini and cook until tender.
Serve with the grated cheese.
Vegetable Soup
From: (Lussier Jean-Francois)
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1993 05:43:40 GMT
Nothing's easier then making vegetable soup: you don't even need a recipe.
Just a few hints and tricks...
First of all, you need good base. A chicken broth is a good start. To make
one, buy yourself 30 cents worth of chicken. Let it boil with 2 liters of
water and a little salt for two or three hours. You actually need around 2
or 3 cups of the stuff, depending on how much soup you want to make, and
strong your broth is.
Then buy yourself fresh vegetables: Try patatoes, tomatoes, onions, zucchinis,
mushrooms, spinachs... etc. 5 to 8 different vegetables, not more than that.
Add salt, pepper, garlic and one spice of your choice, like teragoen, origano
or rosemary. Once again, don't over do it! You want to be able to taste every
ingredient in your soup.
The broth is very important. It's what brings all the taste together.
Then put the broth and the vegetables in one large cauldron. Add water until
it reaches 2/3 of the cauldron. Add the salt. Set your stove to medium heat
and let leave it alone for a good 3 to 4 hours. You can add water if you find
there's not enough of it. Add your main spice half an hour before the soup is
There it is! If you wish to add rice or pastas, i suggest you add them already
cooked, within the last hour of cooking.
2 cloves garlic, crushed
4 sprigs coriander
1.5 tsp peppercorns, crushed
1 tblsp vegetable oil
4.5 cups chicken stock
5 Chinese dried black mushrooms, soaked for about 1 hr. and
coarsely chopped
1.25 tblsp fish sauce
4 oz chicken (or a bit more), cut into strips
2 green onions, thinly sliced
Coriander to garnish
Using a pestle and mortar or sm. food processor, pound or mix garlic,
coriander sprigs and peppercorns to a paste. In wok, heat vegetable
oil, add paste and cook for 1 min., stirring. Stir in stock, mushrooms
& fish sauce. Simmer 10 mins.
Add chicken, reduce heat & cook gently for 5 mins. Scatter green onions
and coriander over surface to garnish.
From: (Michael "Mike" J. Edelman)
Chicken soup as made my my mother and millions of other nice Jewish
Get an old chicken - they have *much* more flavor. An old 'stewing' hen
is good. The ones at the kosher butcher cost more but seem to be worth
it. The young supermarket hens have no flavor.
Put chicken in pot. Cover with water. Add an onion, a couple of
carrots, a couple of parsnips, a handful of dill weed (fresh), and a
little salt. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and let simmer for an hour
or more.
Carefully remove chicken and vegetables. Skim fat from soup. An easy
way to do this is to toss in a handful of ice cubes and skim them out
with the fat that congeals around them.
Serve the soup with kreplach, matzoh balls, egg noodles or rice.
If you've removed the chicken carefully and intact, place it on a baking
dish or pan and roast in the oven at 350 or so until the skin is crispy
and golden. Voila! Gedempte Chicken! My maternal grandmother used to
make this, or so I am told.
From: (Stephanie da Silva)
Get some chicken bones from your local butcher or save and freeze them
when you de-bone chicken breasts.
Prepare a mirepoix (chopped carrots, onions or shallots, celery or
celery root (preferable, also known as celeriac) and garlic) exact
quantities depend on the volume of stock you are making and your own
personal taste.
Sweat the mirepoix on medium head with a little oil (let the veggies
cook alone for a while).
If using fresh bones , add them to the mirepoix and heat them up. Do
not do this for frozen bones and meat as too much blood will be released
later and cloud the stock.
When the bones are hot, add very cold water (as much as you want,
depends on how much bones you have).
Add a few peppercorns and whatever other herb and spice you like
(oregano is nice).
Simmer for 3-4 hours removing scum frequently.
Strain stock through a couple layers of cheesecloth
From: (Marcie A. Wallace)
Source: _Monday to Friday Cooking_ by Michele Urvater
1 onion
1 piece (1/2 inch long) fresh ginger or 3/4 tsp ground
1 tblsp Oriental Sesame oil [she says you can substitute vegetable
oil, but I think the sesame is crucial]
6 cups chicken broth or water
1 pkg (10 oz) frozen chopped spinach
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken or turkey breast
1/2 bunch scallions or 1 small bunch coriander
2 cups vermicelli, fine egg noodles, orzo or pastina [my SO uses (Mrs.
Weiss's brand) Kluski noodles--I reccomend using hearty noodles
like these instead of the delicate pastas recommended!!]
3-4 tblsp lemon juice
salt & pepper to taste
toasted sesame seeds
[my SO adds garlic too]
1. Finely chop the ONION. Peel and mince GINGER.
2. Heat SESAME OIL in soup pot over medium heat. Add ONION and GINGER
[and GARLIC], increase heat to high and saute for a few seconds to
relase aroma. Add the BROTH and FROZEN SPINACH. Cover the pot and
bring the liquid to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until spinach is
thawed (~10 minutes).
3. Meanwhile, cut the CHICKEN into thin shreds or 3/4 inch chunks.
Slice the SCALLIONS, including about four inches of the green tops (or
rinse, stem and mince CORIANDER).
4. When the spinach has thawed, stir the soup, then add the CHICKEN and
NOODLES. Cover and simmer until the noodles and chicken are cooked (~5
minutes). Add the SCALLIONS (or CORIANDER) and the LEMON JUICE. Season
to taste with SALT and PEPPER.
5. Serve immediately, passing the TOASTED SESAME SEEDS for sprinkling
over each portion.
From: (Mary Stevenson)
1 medium carrot, sliced
1 rib celery, sliced
3/4 cup mushrooms, sliced
2 tblsp butter or margarine
2 packages Maruchan Ramen Chicken Flavor
4 cups water
1-1/2 cups cooked shredded chicken or turkey
2 tblsp flour
2 green onions, sliced
4 tblsp grated parmesan cheese
2 tblsp finely chopped parsley
Saute carrots, celery and mushrooms in butter until tender. Add
noodles, 3-1/2 cups water, seasoning packets and chicken to vegetables.
Cook for 3 minutes. Thoroughly combine flour and remainign 1/2 cup cold
water. Stir into soup. Cook and stir until thickened. Stir in green
onions. Serve immediately, garnished with cheese and parsley.
From: megatest! (Scott Fisher)
(Tom ka gai or kai tom ga)
1 12-ounce can coconut milk, such as Chaokoh
1/4 lb chicken breast, cut into small chunks
juice and grated peel of 1 lime
1 4" piece of lemon grass, cut into very thin (1/16") slices on the
3-4 slices of galanga (fresh ginger may be substituted)
Hot chile peppers to taste -- preferably Thai birds, with serranos an
acceptable substitute (though I've used sweet Fresno chiles
in a variation I'll describe below), cut into thin circles
Cilantro for garnish
Pour the lime juice on the chicken and let stand while you prepare the
rest of the soup. In a medium saucepan, place the coconut milk, lemon
grass, grated lime peel, galanga or ginger, and (optionally) chiles.
(The optional part is that if you don't want the whole dish to taste
spicy, add the chiles later; the earlier you add them, the hotter the
resulting dish.) Bring the coconut milk to a simmer.
When the soup is simmering, add the lime-soaked chicken pieces and stir
to distribute them. Reduce the heat so the soup stays just below a boil
and cook for 12 to 15 minutes, or till the chicken pieces are finished
cooking. Remove from heat and serve immediately with fresh cilantro
leaves for garnish.
Now, the *best* way I ever had this soup was with pieces of fresh
grouper instead of chicken. I also added slices of kumquats instead of
the ginger, and used the sweet Fresno chiles instead of Thai birds. We
also served it over Vietnamese rice noodles. Was it southeast Asian or
Caribbean? Who cares, it was wonderful. If you can't find grouper,
it'd be good with any tender, delicate white fish -- sole, maybe, or a
very fresh sea bass, or maybe little chunks of monkfish. I believe I've
had this with shrimp as well. (Grouper, BTW, is a type of fish common
in the Caribbean and, if I recall, in other warm-water parts of the
world; the flesh is very white, very tender, and quite delicately
flavored. I've seen it in one Asian grocery store in the Bay Area, as
well as in the Bahamas, so I'd guess that Gulf Coast netters should be
able to find it readily.)
1. Galanga is similar to ginger, an edible rhizome available in most
Asian groceries. If not available fresh, you can usually find it
frozen. (Well, this is the SF Bay Area; if you can't find it at Tin Tin
or the New Castro Market, you have to have friends smuggle it in from
Bangkok for you... Other parts of the country may vary.)
2. Chile peppers add a lot to the dish; I've had it so hot that I could
barely eat it, and I've had it completely smooth, sweet and mild. I
like it in the middle.
3. Lemon grass adds a lot to the flavor and aroma, but as near as I can
tell it isn't edible unless you puree it. (If there's sufficient
demand, I'll print my recipe for Vietnamese turkey fajitas.) I just eat
around the slices of lemon grass and ginger.
From: (Stephanie da Silva)
Posted by Tamar More based upon an ingredient list
3-4 cans coconut milk (make sure it's the unsweetened kind)
3 tblsp chopped scallions
1-3 tsp lemon grass
cilantro (preferably fresh. I sometimes leave this out. Niels says
that's defeating the whole point, but I think it still comes
out great)
tofu cubed into smallish pieces.
chicken also cubed to bite size.
1 carrot grated
juice from loads of limes (8? i can never put in enough)
serrano chillies (or any other hot chili pepper, again preferably
fresh, but powdered will do)
1 tsp galanga powder
Heat the coconut milk in a pot. Add everything else. As the lemon
grass is inedible, put it in a tea ball and immerse the ball in the soup
so you can retrieve it later. Cook until the chicken is done and the
soup is hot (30 minutes?). Taste to see if it needs more limes (it
always does) or more hot peppers (it's better to start mild and build up
to the desired level of spicyness).
From: jef2f@livia.acs.Virginia.EDU (Adam Finkelstein)
Chicken Broth:
Slowly cook whole chicken or 2 with some ginger, scallions onion carrot
few cilantro leaves covered with h20 until its reduced by half. Ours
takes 2 days (48 hours no shit). Save worthwile meat from chicken,
strain broth pressing out all cooked down ing. through strainer or
sieve,chill in fridge to facillitate fat removal the next day.
Buy rice sticks from Asian grocery (1 lb is good for 4 people) and Nuoc
maum (sp) sauce. I perfer lighter sauce to the darker pastis sauces one
can get - rule of thumb for this is to buy the most expensive bottle
(they are around 3.50 or so.)
Further Ingredients:
1 ginger root
hot chiles
Fresh Basil
1 white onion
Fresh cilantro
Bean Sprouts (mung)
lemons or limes
Cook noodles until done (2-2.5 min) in broth. In big bowls serve
noodles & broth. Garnish with sprouts, basil, cucumber(julienne),
lemmon/lime, cilantro shredded cooked chicken fom broth vinegar soaked
raw onion rounds.
Each diner adds as much or as little of following sauce (start out
slowly and add as you see fit):
1/4 cup nuoc maum sauce
1 cup h20
2 tbs lemon/lime juice or vinegar
1/4 tsp sugar ( i usually don't add)
2 tbs minced ginger
1-10 ground hot chiles
2-4 cloves minced garlic (i use 4)
1/4 teaspoon minced fresh cilantro leaf>
This is a great meal! Some use thinly sliced beef added right after hot
broth & noodles, soup cools beef cooks - a nice change from chicken
Get best possible chicken (free range is worth extra $ for this meal)
Can eat for a day or two. Stuff keeps in fridge.
Craig Claiborne has good section on this in "Craig Claiborne's Favorites
vol 2" pp.395 Entitled: "Hot summer, hot soup"