Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Persiapan menghadapi ulangan umum

Ulangan umum semester ganjil sudah di depan mata.  Sudahkah siswa melakukan persiapan, seperti mencatat jadwal ulangan semester.  Sehingga paling tidak langkah awal persiapan sudah dilakukan, dengan begini siswa dapat menskedul jadwal belajar yang tentunya disesuaikan dengan jadwal ulangan.  Seharusnya hal ini tidak perlu terjadi, karena momen ini kan hanya ulangan.  artinya sudah pernah didapatkan atau diujikan sebelumnya.  guru-guru pun sudah memberikan bekal yang banyak.  Lihat lagi ke belakang, ulangan harian yang diberikan oleh guru mata pelajaran, sudah tuntas atau belum, atau ulangan blok (gabungan dari beberapa KD) sudah terlampaui belum batas ketuntasan minimalnya.  Jika jawabannya ya, berarti siswa tidak perlu khawatir dengan soal-soal yang akan keluar di

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ucapan Selamat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Example of congratulate:

People often write cards to congratulate. Here are same examples.

Dear Joko,
I heard that you have passed the final exam and got the highest score in English subject at your school. Congratulations! You deserved it.
Auntie Ema

Dear Nunung,
Congratulations on your winning the first prize of the English debate competition. I learned about it from your Mom.

Contoh Artikel terkait:


Friday, May 10, 2013

How to Teach 1st Grade

Artikel-bahasa Inggris  Teaching 1st grade will be different by teaching high school students. Required certain techniques so that the child can absorb lessons more fun considering the psychological child is still in the early learning stages.
The voice sounded clear enough by children, intonation, etc. are things that are very important to be possessed by the teacher. For early elementary grades, they are still considered early childhood, before providing early childhood learning, as teachers need to recognize the characteristics of elementary school age children first. Do not forget to always give something new and varied for them. No need expensive, objects in the environment can be the

Confused When Choosing a Couples

Artikel-bahasainggris  In matters of selecting a spouse, both men and women have the right to choose the right partner. It is known in Islam whose name is 'kufu' (viable and harmonious), and a guardian has the right marriage partner for her daughter to pick someone who sekufu, although the meaning kufu most common among the scholars is co-religionists.

Other meanings such as matches, is also the meaning that can not be denied, thus SELECTION PROCESS THAT HAPPENS TO ANY MALE OR FEMALE. On the other hand that choosing a life partner by considering the various sides, provided at a reasonable considerations

Useful Information On A Homeschool Curriculum

Artikel-bahasainggris Are you thinking doing home schooling for your children? You need to consider the homeschool curriculum that is offered by the school. See if it has the program and values that you want your children to have. Discover here more information home studying.

As we all know, homeschool curriculum is a non-formal approach to education. There are many private schools that offer such kind of system. The course requirement may be different from public schools, but they still offer the course necessary to meet state graduation requirements.

How Children Learn by Playing

The concept of learning by playing is not new. In fact, for ages, children have been taught highly complex concepts by means of games and activities - concepts that they wouldn't have otherwise grasped. Such games and activities enhance personal learning and development that no book can provide. It is true that a school provides education, but knowledge is subjective and can be increased and improved by means of some very simple methods such as playing games. There are so many things that you have your kids do, without realizing the kind of message it is imparting to them, or the kind of effect it has on their minds. Playing particularly has a positive effect on kids and helps develop their personality and skills.


Dalam kehidupan selalu didampingi denga dua arah kehidupan realita, seperti : hitam-putih, baik-buruk, salah-benar, siang -malam, Semua ini ada yang harus kita lalui kedua-duanya tapi ada juga yang harus kita pilih. walaupun sesungguhnya yang harus kita pilih mialnya kita harus Briliant atau pandai. mungkin juga kita melaluinya tidak menjadi orang yang briliant atau cerdas. Namun demikian untuk mencapai itu haruslah berusaha dan berkarya, Sehingga kita akan mencapai kesuksesan.. semoga anda menjadi orang yang suka berkarya. It is about me


Keunggulan Kurikulum 2013


by. Joy Johary

Keunggulan Kurikulum 2013 . Rencana pemberlakuakn kurikulum 2013 yang akan dimulai Juli 2013, diklaim oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) memiliki tiga keunggulan dibandingkan dengan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) tahun 2006.

Seperti dituliskan sebelumnya, Sejak Indonesia merdeka setidaknya sudah berganti sebelas kali kurikulum antara lain: tahun 1947 disebut Rencana Pelajaran Dirinci Dalam Rencana Pelajaran Terurai. Tahun 1964 Rencana Pendidikan Dasar, tahun 1968 Kurikulum Sekolah Dasa, tahun 1974 Kurikulum Proyek Perintis Sekolah Pembangunan, dan tahun 1975 Kurikulum Sekolah Dasar.

Menambah Jam Mengajar bagi Guru

Apakah Menambah Jam Mengajar Guru, Efektifkah?

Beban Mengajar Guru

Bidang pendidikan kembali mendapat sorotan baik dari pemerintah maupun masyarakat luas. Kali ini, penambahan jam mengajar guru. Dari 24 jam seminggu dengan satu jam mengajar 45 menit, menjadi 27,5 jam.

Tanpa memenuhi jumlah jam mengajar, guru tidak dapat mengikuti sertifikasi guru. Penambahan jam mengajar juga dijadikan variabel untuk melihat peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia.

Jika dirunut asal penambahan jam mengajar ini, ternyata muncul dari Pejabat Kementerian Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Kemen PAN dan RB). Konon mereka ‘kegerahan’ setiap mendengar laporan ada oknum PNS

Reading Text Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo, Joko Seger and Roro Anteng
Mount Bromo, together with Mount Tengger and Mount Semeru, is one of the most beautiful places of interest in East Java. Watching the sun rises from the crest of Mount Bromo is a very exciting experience for the tourists coming to this mountain. To reach the area, which is about 2392 m above sea level, people usually take a bus or a car as far as the village of Ngadisari. From there, a pony ride will take tourists to the rim of the mountain. It is an active volcano, and the people from surrounding areas bring various things as a sacrifice to the fire god, Betoro Bromo. The legend goes as follows:
Hundreds of years ago, during the reign of the last king of Majapahit, Brawijaya, one of the King's wives gave birth to a girl, who was named Roro Anteng. Later this young princess married Joko Seger, who came from a Brahman caste. Because of an unfortunate situation the couple was forced to leave the kingdom. They settled down in the mountain area. They ruled the area and named it "Tengger", which was derived from the couples' names: Roro Anteng and Joko Seger.